Why Blogging

There are two articles of my choice (“7 reasons why people blog”, “(12 reasons why people blog)[http://www.jeffbullas.com/2010/07/23/12-reasons-why-people-blog/]”), which will give you an idea why people blog in general. Ok then, but what are my reasons for blogging?

Firstly, as I have mentioned earlier, I will blog as an expression of gratitude to all the people who share their knowledge and are willing to help others around the world, so as the part of the “pay it forward“ idea I would like to continue the “chain”.

Another reason is that many of the blogs I am seeing I consider very busy, far too busy if you ask me. There is too much text, adverts, there is too much of the meta-data, styles, images, buttons … sometime I have feeling that there is too much of “too much”. In response I would like to create very dry, simplified design, almost minimalistic design, which will hide everything you do not need or you do not want to see. Many times when we are looking for something we just need a short information, simplest “how to” answer for our question, easy steps or examples.

What else? I would like to improve my writing skills, although writing programmers/math blogs are not the very best place to practice English, but I will try my best.

One of the things I want to explore is enhancing memory, it is well known that taking notes (in traditional way or with memory maps) can improve memorising things and can assure that knowledge is going to be retained for a much longer time.

Also I consider blogs as a good way of self-documenting, a form of creating a public professional “diary” (in the other hand if we think bit more, there is not such things as a private diary, as every writer consciously or subconsciously want for his words to be read by someone, only question is who is the someone?! anyway … ) Many times, things I was learning gave me a good portion of grief, so by documenting my mistakes, I hope to spare you a bit of pain I have had experienced.

My friend Joe wants to become a developer, and I would like to help him in pursuing his goal.

Lastly, it would be interesting to review this post in a years’ time to see how many of my set goals I have accomplished.


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